Long after the fact, but maybe someone else sees this :P
string description = "Dear " + owner.fullname + Environment.NewLine;
works for me.
And wrote:
Email text newline (\n) not working
I'm coding a callout for the CRM 3.0, This callout creates emails and tasks.
When creating a new email of several text lines for some reason everything
is displayed in one single line
for example I have the following code
string subject = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
string description = "Dear " + owner.fullname + "\n\n" +
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet (click on Regarding to see its information)" +
"Shortly you will be assigned this as a task to be completed" + "\n\n" +
SendEmailMessage(subject, description, owner.systemuserid.Value,
I should get something like this
Dear Jonh Smit
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet (click on Regarding to see its information
Shortly you will be assigned this as a task to be complete
Instead I get this
Dear Jonh Smith Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet (click on Regarding to see its
information) Shortly you will be assigned this as a task to be completed
But when coding tasks I don't have that problem, the text is displayed
Any idea what could be the problem
Previous Posts In This Thread:
On Wednesday, November 14, 2007 5:28 PM
And wrote:
Email text newline (\n) not working
I'm coding a callout for the CRM 3.0, This callout creates emails and tasks.
When creating a new email of several text lines for some reason everything
is displayed in one single line
for example I have the following code
string subject = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
string description = "Dear " + owner.fullname + "\n\n" +
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet (click on Regarding to see its information)" +
"Shortly you will be assigned this as a task to be completed" + "\n\n" +
SendEmailMessage(subject, description, owner.systemuserid.Value,
I should get something like this
Dear Jonh Smit
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet (click on Regarding to see its information
Shortly you will be assigned this as a task to be complete
Instead I get this
Dear Jonh Smith Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet (click on Regarding to see its
information) Shortly you will be assigned this as a task to be completed
But when coding tasks I don't have that problem, the text is displayed
Any idea what could be the problem
On Wednesday, November 14, 2007 9:05 PM
George Doubinski wrote:
Hi Andy,does using '\r\n' combination instead of a '\n' change anything?
Hi Andy
does using '\r\n' combination instead of a '\n' change anything
Hope this help
George Doubinsk
CRM Certified Professional - Developer
On Wednesday, November 14, 2007 11:24 PM
And wrote:
Yes, I tried that too but is still not working.
Yes, I tried that too but is still not working
I also tried using a StringBuilder but is the same story
And this happens when creating emails, if I use the same string to create a
Task it works fine
Has anyone else had the same problem
Here an example of the code that creates such emails
string subject = "Lorem ipsum"
string description = "Dear " + owner.fullname + "\n\n" +
"Lorem ipsum (click on Regarding to see its information)" + "\n" +
"Shortly you lorem ipsum" + "\n\n" +
email email = new email()
email.subject = subject
email.description = description
email.from = new activityparty[] {from}
email.to = new activityparty[] {to}
email.regardingobjectid = regardingId
On Thursday, November 15, 2007 3:08 PM
And wrote:
Hi HuibI read your post and it's very interesting, it gave me some ideas for
Hi Hui
I read your post and it's very interesting, it gave me some ideas for future
What you're using there is javascript on the client side, I'm coding a
callout wich is server-side code (specifically C# code) so I cannot use
single quotes
But I found a way to work around this, so instead of using the \n character
I have to use html paragraphs < p>< /p> (or the < br> tag)
So this is how my string looks like now:
string description = "< p>Dear " + owner.fullname + "< /p>" +
"< p>Lorem ipsum (click on Regarding to see its information)" + "< /p>" +
"< p>Shortly you lorem ipsum< /p>" + "< br>< br>" +
"< p>Thanks< /p>";
On Friday, November 16, 2007 3:16 AM
huib aarts (crm.atechnisch.nl) wrote:
Andy,I have used single quotes '\n' and that worked fine for me.
I have used single quotes '\n' and that worked fine for me.
see my post
On Wednesday, February 24, 2010 3:21 AM
sluiper de waal wrote:
Long after the fact, but maybe someone else sees this :P
string description = "Dear " + owner.fullname + Environment.NewLine;
works for me.
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