Recurring Appointments
(too old to reply)
Mark Braithwaite
2008-09-29 13:29:02 UTC

I am trying to set up recurring appointments in CRM 4.0. I have created two
custom attributes and inserted them on the appointment form. The first
attribute is a picklist with Yes/No for Recurring appointment (Default value
is NO) and the second attribute is for the number of recurrences.

I am aware that I can create a workflow which confirms that the Recurring
appointment is Yes and creates a new appointment.

I would like to ask if someone could please assist me with the number of
recurrences. I need to fire the workflow for each number of recurrence. I am
not quite sure how to do this and would appreciate any assistance.

Wayne Walton
2008-09-29 17:05:30 UTC
On Sep 29, 9:29 am, Mark Braithwaite
Post by Mark Braithwaite
I am trying to set up recurring appointments in CRM 4.0. I have created two
custom attributes and inserted them on the appointment form. The first
attribute is a picklist with Yes/No for Recurring appointment (Default value
is NO) and the second attribute is for the number of recurrences.
I am aware that I can create a workflow which confirms that the Recurring
appointment is Yes and creates a new appointment.
I would like to ask if someone could please assist me with the number of
recurrences. I need to fire the workflow for each number of recurrence. I am  
not quite sure how to do this and would appreciate any assistance.
Well, it seems like the best way would be to set up some logic that
would decrement the number of occurrences every time the workflow
executes, and then check to make sure that the workflow only runs when
it is recurring, and ALSO that the number of occurences is greater
than 0.

2008-09-30 07:32:06 UTC

Another possibility would be to use "GroupCalendar for MS CRM 4". This gives
you a ready to use functionality for "Recurring Appointments/Tasks/Phone

If you are interested please take a look at www.mscrm-addons.com. There you
can download a trial version to test this functionality.

Christian Ternek
Your company for MS-CRM ADD-ONS!

WordMailMerge for MS CRM
GroupCalendar for MS CRM
Telephone Integration for MS CRM
EmailTools for MS CRM
PowerSearch for MS CRM

"Wayne Walton" <***@gmail.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:a3007a93-df21-4b59-ae99-***@l64g2000hse.googlegroups.com...
On Sep 29, 9:29 am, Mark Braithwaite
Post by Mark Braithwaite
I am trying to set up recurring appointments in CRM 4.0. I have created two
custom attributes and inserted them on the appointment form. The first
attribute is a picklist with Yes/No for Recurring appointment (Default value
is NO) and the second attribute is for the number of recurrences.
I am aware that I can create a workflow which confirms that the Recurring
appointment is Yes and creates a new appointment.
I would like to ask if someone could please assist me with the number of
recurrences. I need to fire the workflow for each number of recurrence. I am
not quite sure how to do this and would appreciate any assistance.
Well, it seems like the best way would be to set up some logic that
would decrement the number of occurrences every time the workflow
executes, and then check to make sure that the workflow only runs when
it is recurring, and ALSO that the number of occurences is greater
than 0.

Mark Braithwaite
2008-09-30 09:41:01 UTC

We would prefer not to implement an add on solution and we would like to
rather develop a workaround.

I suppose an incremental solution would be best. Do I need to include
Jscript on the Onload event of the appointment form?

Post by ChristianT
Another possibility would be to use "GroupCalendar for MS CRM 4". This gives
you a ready to use functionality for "Recurring Appointments/Tasks/Phone
If you are interested please take a look at www.mscrm-addons.com. There you
can download a trial version to test this functionality.
Christian Ternek
Your company for MS-CRM ADD-ONS!
WordMailMerge for MS CRM
GroupCalendar for MS CRM
Telephone Integration for MS CRM
EmailTools for MS CRM
PowerSearch for MS CRM
On Sep 29, 9:29 am, Mark Braithwaite
Post by Mark Braithwaite
I am trying to set up recurring appointments in CRM 4.0. I have created two
custom attributes and inserted them on the appointment form. The first
attribute is a picklist with Yes/No for Recurring appointment (Default value
is NO) and the second attribute is for the number of recurrences.
I am aware that I can create a workflow which confirms that the Recurring
appointment is Yes and creates a new appointment.
I would like to ask if someone could please assist me with the number of
recurrences. I need to fire the workflow for each number of recurrence. I am
not quite sure how to do this and would appreciate any assistance.
Well, it seems like the best way would be to set up some logic that
would decrement the number of occurrences every time the workflow
executes, and then check to make sure that the workflow only runs when
it is recurring, and ALSO that the number of occurences is greater
than 0.
Mark Braithwaite
2008-09-30 12:45:01 UTC

I have managed to create the required workflow rule I just need to know how
to set up the decremental counter. Can I use workflow for this?

Post by Mark Braithwaite
We would prefer not to implement an add on solution and we would like to
rather develop a workaround.
I suppose an incremental solution would be best. Do I need to include
Jscript on the Onload event of the appointment form?
Post by ChristianT
Another possibility would be to use "GroupCalendar for MS CRM 4". This gives
you a ready to use functionality for "Recurring Appointments/Tasks/Phone
If you are interested please take a look at www.mscrm-addons.com. There you
can download a trial version to test this functionality.
Christian Ternek
Your company for MS-CRM ADD-ONS!
WordMailMerge for MS CRM
GroupCalendar for MS CRM
Telephone Integration for MS CRM
EmailTools for MS CRM
PowerSearch for MS CRM
On Sep 29, 9:29 am, Mark Braithwaite
Post by Mark Braithwaite
I am trying to set up recurring appointments in CRM 4.0. I have created two
custom attributes and inserted them on the appointment form. The first
attribute is a picklist with Yes/No for Recurring appointment (Default value
is NO) and the second attribute is for the number of recurrences.
I am aware that I can create a workflow which confirms that the Recurring
appointment is Yes and creates a new appointment.
I would like to ask if someone could please assist me with the number of
recurrences. I need to fire the workflow for each number of recurrence. I am
not quite sure how to do this and would appreciate any assistance.
Well, it seems like the best way would be to set up some logic that
would decrement the number of occurrences every time the workflow
executes, and then check to make sure that the workflow only runs when
it is recurring, and ALSO that the number of occurences is greater
than 0.
Sarbashish Bhattacharjee
2010-09-05 11:22:51 UTC
It is possible to create reoccuring appointments in MS CRM 4.0 without using workflow.

I have done one implementation for creating reoccuring service activity. I have added two new fields in the Service Activity entity.
Please read the detailed implementation below:

Entity Name: serviceappointment

Add two new Fields

New Field 1
Field Label: Recurring Frequency
Field Name: new_recurringactivity
Requirement Level: No Constraint
Field TYpe: picklist
Field Values:

1 - Daily
2 - Weekly
3 - Fortnightly
4 - Monthly
5 - Bi-Monthly
6 - Quarterly
7 - Half Yearly
8 - Yearly

New Field 2
Field Label: Recurring End Date
Field Name: new_recurringenddate
Field Type: datetime
Field Format: Date Only
Requirement Level: No Constraint

Purpose of the new fields
Field Name: new_recurringactivity
Purpose: This field will accept recurring frequency from the user.

Field Name: new_recurringenddate
Purpose: This field will accept the date from the user. It will not create any activity beyond the date. Otherwise it will go in a endless loop.

// Add this code snippet to the OnLoad event of the Service Activity Form

// Lock the recurring Service Activiy fields once activities have been created
if (crmForm.all.new_recurringactivity.DataValue)
crmForm.all.new_recurringactivity.disabled = true;
crmForm.all.new_recurringenddate.disabled = true;

// Add this code snippet to the OnSave event of the Service Activity

// Function to format a date to the UTC format required by web services
function DateToUTCFormat(inputDate)
var date = inputDate.getDate();
var month = inputDate.getMonth()+1;
var year = inputDate.getYear();
var hours = inputDate.getHours();
var minutes = inputDate.getMinutes();
var ampm = " AM";
if (hours > 11)
ampm = " PM";
hours = hours - 12;
if (hours == 0)
{hours = 12;}
if (minutes < 10)
{var time = hours.toString() + ":0" + minutes.toString() + ":00" + ampm;}
{var time = hours.toString() + ":" + minutes.toString() + ":00" + ampm;}
var UTCDate = month.toString() + "/" + date.toString() + "/" + year.toString() + " " + time;
return UTCDate;

if (crmForm.all.new_recurringactivity.disabled == false && crmForm.all.new_recurringactivity.DataValue && crmForm.all.new_recurringactivity.DataValue)

var interval = 0;
switch (parseInt(crmForm.all.new_recurringactivity.DataValue))
case 1: // Daily (Please check the value you are getting from the CRM Form)
interval = 1;

case 2: // weekly
interval = 7;

case 3: // Fortnightly
interval = 14;

case 4: // Monthly
interval = 30;

case 5: // Bi-Monthly
interval = 60;

case 6: // Quarterly
interval = 90;

case 7: // Half Yearly
interval = 180;

case 8: // Yearly
interval = 365;


var recurringEnd = crmForm.all.new_recurringenddate.DataValue;
var activityStart = crmForm.all.scheduledstart.DataValue;
var activityEnd = crmForm.all.scheduledend.DataValue;

// Set the first reccuring appointment as per the recurring frequency opted by the user


// Prepare values for the new Service Activity

var subject = crmForm.all.subject.DataValue;
var regardingId = crmForm.all.regardingobjectid.DataValue[0].id;
var customerId = crmForm.all.customers.DataValue[0].id;
var serviceid = crmForm.all.serviceid.DataValue[0].id;
var resourceId = crmForm.all.resources.DataValue[0].id;
var ownerId = crmForm.all.ownerid.DataValue[0].id;
var new_recurringactivity = crmForm.all.new_recurringactivity.DataValue;

// Loop for the number of recurring Service Activities
while (activityStart < recurringEnd)
// Prepare the SOAP message.
var startUTC = DateToUTCFormat(activityStart);
var endUTC = DateToUTCFormat(activityEnd);
// alert("startUTC: "+startUTC);
var recurringEndUTC = DateToUTCFormat(recurringEnd);
var authenticationHeader = GenerateAuthenticationHeader();
var xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>" +
"<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'"+
" xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'"+
" xmlns:xsd='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'>"+
"<Create xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/crm/2007/WebServices'>"+
"<entity xsi:type='serviceappointment'>"+
// Prepare the xmlHttpObject and send the request.
var xHReq = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
xHReq.Open("POST", "/mscrmservices/2007/CrmService.asmx", false);
xHReq.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
xHReq.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", xml.length);
// Capture the result
var resultXml = xHReq.responseXML;

// Check for errors.
var errorCount = resultXml.selectNodes('//error').length;
if (errorCount != 0)
var msg = resultXml.selectSingleNode('//description').nodeTypedValue;
// Notify user of Service Activity creation
// alert("Service Activity created on " + activityStart);
// Increment the next Service Actvity to be created by as per the recurring frequency opted by the user

} // Code block Ends

Some More Explanation
Please note in the above code snippet I am taking resources as user. So for that I have used in the code snippet


If you are considering equipments as your resources then use


Also note that if you want to accept multiple resources then you need to change the value in the "participationtypemask" node.

Since I am expecting 1 resource so I have kept the value as 1.

Let me know if this helps.


Sarbashish Bhattacharjee
Post by Mark Braithwaite
I am trying to set up recurring appointments in CRM 4.0. I have created two
custom attributes and inserted them on the appointment form. The first
attribute is a picklist with Yes/No for Recurring appointment (Default value
is NO) and the second attribute is for the number of recurrences.
I am aware that I can create a workflow which confirms that the Recurring
appointment is Yes and creates a new appointment.
I would like to ask if someone could please assist me with the number of
recurrences. I need to fire the workflow for each number of recurrence. I am
not quite sure how to do this and would appreciate any assistance.
Post by ChristianT
Another possibility would be to use "GroupCalendar for MS CRM 4". This gives
you a ready to use functionality for "Recurring Appointments/Tasks/Phone
If you are interested please take a look at www.mscrm-addons.com. There you
can download a trial version to test this functionality.
Christian Ternek
Your company for MS-CRM ADD-ONS!
WordMailMerge for MS CRM
GroupCalendar for MS CRM
Telephone Integration for MS CRM
EmailTools for MS CRM
PowerSearch for MS CRM
On Sep 29, 9:29 am, Mark Braithwaite
Well, it seems like the best way would be to set up some logic that
would decrement the number of occurrences every time the workflow
executes, and then check to make sure that the workflow only runs when
it is recurring, and ALSO that the number of occurences is greater
than 0.
Post by Mark Braithwaite
We would prefer not to implement an add on solution and we would like to
rather develop a workaround.
I suppose an incremental solution would be best. Do I need to include
Jscript on the Onload event of the appointment form?
Post by Mark Braithwaite
I have managed to create the required workflow rule I just need to know how
to set up the decremental counter. Can I use workflow for this?
On Sep 29, 9:29=A0am, Mark Braithwaite
am =A0
Well, it seems like the best way would be to set up some logic that
would decrement the number of occurrences every time the workflow
executes, and then check to make sure that the workflow only runs when
it is recurring, and ALSO that the number of occurences is greater
than 0.
Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
A Comparison of Managed Compression Algorithms
2010-09-06 07:49:29 UTC
Post by Sarbashish Bhattacharjee
It is possible to create reoccuring appointments in MS CRM 4.0 without using workflow.
I have done one implementation for creating reoccuring service activity. I have added two new fields in the Service Activity entity.
Entity Name: serviceappointment
Add two new Fields
New Field 1
Field Label: Recurring Frequency
Field Name: new_recurringactivity
Requirement Level: No Constraint
Field TYpe: picklist
1 - Daily
2 - Weekly
3 - Fortnightly
4 - Monthly
5 - Bi-Monthly
6 - Quarterly
7 - Half Yearly
8 - Yearly
New Field 2
Field Label: Recurring End Date
Field Name: new_recurringenddate
Field Type: datetime
Field Format: Date Only
Requirement Level: No Constraint
Purpose of the new fields
Field Name: new_recurringactivity
Purpose: This field will accept recurring frequency from the user.
Field Name: new_recurringenddate
Purpose: This field will accept the date from the user. It will not create any activity beyond the date. Otherwise it will go in a endless loop.
// Add this code snippet to the OnLoad event of the Service Activity Form
// Lock the recurring Service Activiy fields once activities have been created
if (crmForm.all.new_recurringactivity.DataValue)
crmForm.all.new_recurringactivity.disabled = true;
crmForm.all.new_recurringenddate.disabled = true;
// Add this code snippet to the OnSave event of the Service Activity
// Function to format a date to the UTC format required by web services
function DateToUTCFormat(inputDate)
var date = inputDate.getDate();
var month = inputDate.getMonth()+1;
var year = inputDate.getYear();
var hours = inputDate.getHours();
var minutes = inputDate.getMinutes();
var ampm = " AM";
if (hours > 11)
    ampm = " PM";
    hours = hours - 12;
if (hours == 0)
    {hours = 12;}
if (minutes < 10)
    {var time = hours.toString() + ":0" + minutes.toString() + ":00" + ampm;}
    {var time = hours.toString() + ":" + minutes.toString() + ":00" + ampm;}
var UTCDate = month.toString() + "/" + date.toString() + "/" + year.toString() + " " + time;
return UTCDate;
if (crmForm.all.new_recurringactivity.disabled == false && crmForm.all.new_recurringactivity.DataValue && crmForm.all.new_recurringactivity.DataValue)
var interval = 0;
switch (parseInt(crmForm.all.new_recurringactivity.DataValue))
case 1:   // Daily (Please check the value you are getting from the CRM Form)
 interval = 1;
case 2: // weekly
 interval = 7;
case 3: // Fortnightly
 interval = 14;
case 4: // Monthly
 interval = 30;
case 5: // Bi-Monthly
 interval = 60;
case 6: // Quarterly
 interval = 90;
case 7: // Half Yearly
 interval = 180;
case 8: // Yearly
 interval = 365;
var recurringEnd = crmForm.all.new_recurringenddate.DataValue;
var activityStart = crmForm.all.scheduledstart.DataValue;
var activityEnd = crmForm.all.scheduledend.DataValue;
// Set the first reccuring appointment as per the recurring frequency opted by the user
// Prepare values for the new Service Activity
var subject = crmForm.all.subject.DataValue;
var regardingId = crmForm.all.regardingobjectid.DataValue[0].id;
var customerId = crmForm.all.customers.DataValue[0].id;
var serviceid = crmForm.all.serviceid.DataValue[0].id;
var resourceId = crmForm.all.resources.DataValue[0].id;
var ownerId = crmForm.all.ownerid.DataValue[0].id;
var new_recurringactivity = crmForm.all.new_recurringactivity.DataValue;
// Loop for the number of recurring Service Activities
while (activityStart < recurringEnd)
    // Prepare the SOAP message.
    var startUTC = DateToUTCFormat(activityStart);
    var endUTC = DateToUTCFormat(activityEnd);
   // alert("startUTC: "+startUTC);
    var recurringEndUTC = DateToUTCFormat(recurringEnd);
    var authenticationHeader = GenerateAuthenticationHeader();
    var xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>" +
    "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'"+
    " xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'"+
    " xmlns:xsd='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'>"+
    "<Create xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/crm/2007/WebServices'>"+
    "<entity xsi:type='serviceappointment'>"+
    // Prepare the xmlHttpObject and send the request.
    var xHReq = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
    xHReq.Open("POST", "/mscrmservices/2007/CrmService.asmx", false);
    xHReq.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
    xHReq.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", xml.length);
    // Capture the result
    var resultXml = xHReq.responseXML;
    // Check for errors.
    var errorCount = resultXml.selectNodes('//error').length;
    if (errorCount != 0)
         var msg = resultXml.selectSingleNode('//description').nodeTypedValue;
    // Notify user of Service Activity creation
       // alert("Service Activity created on " + activityStart);
    // Increment the next Service Actvity to be created by as per the recurring frequency opted by the user
} // Code block Ends
Some More Explanation
Please note in the above code snippet I am taking resources as user. So for that I have used in the code snippet
If you are considering equipments as your resources then use
Also note that if you want to accept multiple resources then you need to change the value in the "participationtypemask" node.
Since I am expecting 1 resource so I have kept the value as 1.
Let me know if this helps.
Sarbashish Bhattacharjee
Post by Mark Braithwaite
I am trying to set up recurring appointments in CRM 4.0. I have created two
custom attributes and inserted them on the appointment form. The first
attribute is a picklist with Yes/No for Recurring appointment (Default value
is NO) and the second attribute is for the number of recurrences.
I am aware that I can create a workflow which confirms that the Recurring
appointment is Yes and creates a new appointment.
I would like to ask if someone could please assist me with the number of
recurrences. I need to fire the workflow for each number of recurrence. I am  
not quite sure how to do this and would appreciate any assistance.
Post by ChristianT
Another possibility would be to use "GroupCalendar for MS CRM 4". This gives
you a ready to use functionality for "Recurring Appointments/Tasks/Phone
If you are interested please take a look atwww.mscrm-addons.com. There you
can download a trial version to test this functionality.
Christian Ternek
Your company for MS-CRM ADD-ONS!
WordMailMerge for MS CRM
GroupCalendar for MS CRM
Telephone Integration for MS CRM
EmailTools for MS CRM
PowerSearch for MS CRM
On Sep 29, 9:29 am, Mark Braithwaite
Well, it seems like the best way would be to set up some logic that
would decrement the number of occurrences every time the workflow
executes, and then check to make sure that the workflow only runs when
it is recurring, and ALSO that the number of occurences is greater
than 0.
Post by Mark Braithwaite
We would prefer not to implement an add on solution and we would like to
rather develop a workaround.
I suppose an incremental solution would be best. Do I need to include
Jscript on the Onload event of the appointment form?
On Tuesday, September 30, 2008 8:45 AM MarkBraithwait
read more »- Hide quoted text -
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Workflow does have an increment/decrement function for int attributes.
Go to update record, select the field and dig around and you should
find it. I used the same trick to create a series of appointments with
workflow. It can be done.

Leon Tribe
Want to hear me talk about all things CRM? Check out my blog
or hear me tweet @leontribe

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