Sujith Kumar
2010-03-16 09:21:01 UTC
Hi ,
In MY CRM deployment we removed IIS from the server by mistake. We have
added the IIS again. There was no bakcup of IIS. We lost crm web sites and
applicaion pool settings.
Then We copied the the application pool and Web sites from another crm
deployment. then repaired the crm server.
But CRM is not working. In deployment manger is showing crmserver as
disabled. It is not able to enable.
We changes application pool, credential from domain user to network service
We are getting this error. [ earlier it was domain name]
The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'ConfigurationMetadata',
database 'MSCRM_CONFIG', schema 'dbo'.
we have given all previlege for NT authority / network service.
What is the [procedure to recover crm if IIS is reinstalled?
How can I enable crm server?
Please help...
In MY CRM deployment we removed IIS from the server by mistake. We have
added the IIS again. There was no bakcup of IIS. We lost crm web sites and
applicaion pool settings.
Then We copied the the application pool and Web sites from another crm
deployment. then repaired the crm server.
But CRM is not working. In deployment manger is showing crmserver as
disabled. It is not able to enable.
We changes application pool, credential from domain user to network service
We are getting this error. [ earlier it was domain name]
The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'ConfigurationMetadata',
database 'MSCRM_CONFIG', schema 'dbo'.
we have given all previlege for NT authority / network service.
What is the [procedure to recover crm if IIS is reinstalled?
How can I enable crm server?
Please help...