MSCRM 4.0 ISV Custom buttons not visible in Contact Detail Toolbar
(too old to reply)
2008-03-07 08:28:01 UTC

After enabline isv integration in 4.0, I can see in the Accounts detail
level toolbar the sample isv buttons, but when I goto Contacts detail
toolbar, none are visible.

I just added a button to the detail level toolbar in CRM 4.0. It was added
basically to the same place as my old 3.0 in the isv.config, but after adding
it wasn't visible.

I then went to the ReadyServer image from Microsoft, and noticed that the
isv.config was not present! (isv.xsd was present and accounted for).

Since I could see the isv buttons in the account entity detail toolbar, I
added my custom button to the account detail thinking there was something up
with my contact xml, and although at least I see the isv buttons, I did not
see my custom button.

This is a fresh install and there should be no reason why I can't add a
simple button - I've (unnecessarily) restarted IIS, closed the app, squeezed
my stress-ball, nothing works.

After beating my brains out for about 3 hours, I decided to ask my friends
in the newsgroup... My button is in the code below, in the button called
"clone contact"


<ToolBarSpacer />
<Button Title="Test" ToolTip="Info on Test"
Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif" Url="http://www.microsoft.com" PassParams="1"
WinParams="" WinMode="1" />
<Button Title="Web Only" ToolTip="Web client only. This will not
show up in any outlook pages." Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif"
JavaScript="alert('test');" Client="Web" />
<Button Title="Outlook Only" ToolTip="Outlook Only - This is
available offline also." Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif"
JavaScript="alert('test');" Client="Outlook" AvailableOffline="true" />
<!-- The Account Left Nav Bar -->
Valid Areas Include
<NavBarItem Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif" Title="ISV Default"
Url="http://www.microsoft.com" Id="navItem" />
<NavBarItem Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif" Title="ISV Web Only"
Url="http://www.microsoft.com" Id="navItemWeb" Client="Web" />
<NavBarItem Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif" Title="ISV Outlook Only"
Url="http://www.microsoft.com" Id="navItemOutlook" Client="Outlook"
AvailableOffline="true" />
<NavBarItem Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif" Title="ISV Sales"
Url="http://www.microsoft.com" Id="navSalesItem" Area="Sales" />
<NavBarItem Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif" Title="ISV Info"
Url="http://www.microsoft.com" Id="navInfoItem" Area="Info" />
<NavBarItem Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif" Title="ISV Marketing"
Url="http://www.microsoft.com" Id="navMarketingItem" Area="Marketing" />
<NavBarItem Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif" Title="ISV Service"
Url="http://www.microsoft.com" Id="navServiceItem" Area="Service" />
<MenuItem Title="Coming Soon..." Url="http://www.microsoft.com"
WinMode="1" />
<MenuSpacer />
<SubMenu Title="Sub Test">
<MenuItem Title="Test Sub 1" Url="http://www.microsoft.com" />
<MenuSpacer />
<MenuItem Title="Test Sub 2" />
<MenuItem Title="Web Only" Client="Web" />
<MenuItem Title="Outlook Only" Client="Outlook"
AvailableOffline="true" />
<MenuItem Title="Web Only" Client="Web" />
<MenuItem Title="Outlook Only" Client="Outlook"
AvailableOffline="true" />
<Button Title="Test" ToolTip="Info on Test"
Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif" Url="http://www.microsoft.com" WinParams=""
WinMode="2" />
<ToolBarSpacer />
<Button Title="Test" ToolTip="Info on Test"
Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif" Url="http://www.microsoft.com" WinParams=""
WinMode="1" />
<Button Title="Web Only" ToolTip="Web client only. This will
not show up in any outlook pages." Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif"
JavaScript="alert('test');" Client="Web" />
<Button Title="Outlook Only" ToolTip="Outlook Only - This is
available offline also." Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif"
JavaScript="alert('test');" Client="Outlook" AvailableOffline="true" />

<Entity name="contact">
<ToolBar ValidForCreate="0" ValidForUpdate="1">
Title="Clone Contact"
ToolTip="Create a copy of this contact"

<Entity name="contact" />
<Entity name="lead" />
<Entity name="opportunity" />
<Entity name="list" />
<Entity name="campaign" />
<Entity name="campaignactivity" />
<Entity name="campaignresponse" />
<Entity name="incident" />
<!-- Case -->
<Entity name="quote" />
<Entity name="salesorder" />
<!-- Order -->
<Entity name="invoice" />
<!-- Custom Entities -->
<!-- <Entity name="myEntity"/> -->
<!-- End Custom Entities -->
<!-- Microsoft Customer Relationship Management Service Management
Customization -->
<!-- All CSS Class mapping for Service actiivties -->
<TimeBlock EntityType="4214" StatusCode="1"
CssClass="ganttBlockServiceActivityStatus1" />
<TimeBlock EntityType="4214" StatusCode="2"
CssClass="ganttBlockServiceActivityStatus2" />
<TimeBlock EntityType="4214" StatusCode="3"
CssClass="ganttBlockServiceActivityStatus3" />
<TimeBlock EntityType="4214" StatusCode="4"
CssClass="ganttBlockServiceActivityStatus4" />
<TimeBlock EntityType="4214" StatusCode="6"
CssClass="ganttBlockServiceActivityStatus6" />
2008-03-07 08:50:01 UTC
I just imported a fresh set of backup 4.0 customizations, and to my extreme
dismay, I just found that crm 4.0 import customizations imports my
isv.config, but does not overwrite the existing isv file.

Can anyone shed some light?

Dave Ireland
2008-03-07 12:52:29 UTC

In CRM 4.0 the isv.config is no longer a server-resident file. The
isv.config data is stored in the database (because crm 4 is multi-tennant,
all organization-specific data is stored in the org's database), so try
going into System Customizations, exporting the ISV.Config entity, making
your changes to the exported xml file, then re-importing your updated xml
and publishing.

Dave Ireland
Post by bayareacrm
I just imported a fresh set of backup 4.0 customizations, and to my extreme
dismay, I just found that crm 4.0 import customizations imports my
isv.config, but does not overwrite the existing isv file.
Can anyone shed some light?
2008-03-07 19:57:01 UTC
Still struggling with the button addition.

When I use visual studio 2005 to add the clone contact button and try to
import, it tells me it's not a valid file.

I'm using the same syntax I did in 3.0 - files for 3.0 and 4.0 look much the
same, and the button I'm adding is at the very bottom below. I'm placing it
after the previous entity end tag and before the <Entity name="contact" />.
Any ideas?

THERE'S MORE XML ABOVE THIS, BUT BELOW THE </Entity> tag, I put my button:
JavaScript="alert('test');" Client="Outlook" AvailableOffline="true" />

<Entity name="contact">
<ToolBar ValidForCreate="0" ValidForUpdate="1">
Title="Clone Contact"
ToolTip="Create a copy of this contact"

<Entity name="contact" />
<Entity name="lead" />
<Entity name="opportunity" />


<Entity name="contact">
<ToolBar ValidForCreate="0" ValidForUpdate="1">
Title="Clone Contact"
ToolTip="Create a copy of this contact"
2010-02-16 10:46:48 UTC
Hope you might have got through the problem but thought it would be worth posting the solution as some one else would fine it helpful.

By default the custom menus and toolbars would not be set. So we need to check
? custom menus and toolbars are turned on
? User account has privelleges to use custom menus and toolbars

custom menus and toolbars are turned on:
Go to setting -> administration -> system settings
Click on customization tab and select the client(s) you want to enable the display custom buttons and menu items.

Provide User account the privelleges:
Go to settings -> Administration -> users (or directly security roles)
select the appropriate user account and locate the user role
On the customization tab and ensure that the role has organization level access to ISV Extensions, Export Customizations and Import Customizations under Miscellaneous Privileges.

bayareacr wrote:

Still struggling with the button addition.

Still struggling with the button addition.

When I use visual studio 2005 to add the clone contact button and try to
import, it tells me it's not a valid file.

I'm using the same syntax I did in 3.0 - files for 3.0 and 4.0 look much the
same, and the button I'm adding is at the very bottom below. I'm placing it
after the previous entity end tag and before the <Entity name="contact" />.
Any ideas?

THERE'S MORE XML ABOVE THIS, BUT BELOW THE </Entity> tag, I put my button:
JavaScript="alert('test');" Client="Outlook" AvailableOffline="true" />

<Entity name="contact">
<ToolBar ValidForCreate="0" ValidForUpdate="1">
Title="Clone Contact"
ToolTip="Create a copy of this contact"

<Entity name="contact" />
<Entity name="lead" />
<Entity name="opportunity" />


<Entity name="contact">
<ToolBar ValidForCreate="0" ValidForUpdate="1">
Title="Clone Contact"
ToolTip="Create a copy of this contact"

Previous Posts In This Thread:

On Friday, March 07, 2008 3:28 AM
bayareacr wrote:

MSCRM 4.0 ISV Custom buttons not visible in Contact Detail Toolbar

After enabline isv integration in 4.0, I can see in the Accounts detail
level toolbar the sample isv buttons, but when I goto Contacts detail
toolbar, none are visible.

I just added a button to the detail level toolbar in CRM 4.0. It was added
basically to the same place as my old 3.0 in the isv.config, but after adding
it wasn't visible.

I then went to the ReadyServer image from Microsoft, and noticed that the
isv.config was not present! (isv.xsd was present and accounted for).

Since I could see the isv buttons in the account entity detail toolbar, I
added my custom button to the account detail thinking there was something up
with my contact xml, and although at least I see the isv buttons, I did not
see my custom button.

This is a fresh install and there should be no reason why I can't add a
simple button - I've (unnecessarily) restarted IIS, closed the app, squeezed
my stress-ball, nothing works.

After beating my brains out for about 3 hours, I decided to ask my friends
in the newsgroup... My button is in the code below, in the button called
"clone contact"


<ToolBarSpacer />
<Button Title="Test" ToolTip="Info on Test"
Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif" Url="http://www.microsoft.com" PassParams="1"
WinParams="" WinMode="1" />
<Button Title="Web Only" ToolTip="Web client only. This will not
show up in any outlook pages." Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif"
JavaScript="alert('test');" Client="Web" />
<Button Title="Outlook Only" ToolTip="Outlook Only - This is
available offline also." Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif"
JavaScript="alert('test');" Client="Outlook" AvailableOffline="true" />
<!-- The Account Left Nav Bar -->
Valid Areas Include
<NavBarItem Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif" Title="ISV Default"
Url="http://www.microsoft.com" Id="navItem" />
<NavBarItem Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif" Title="ISV Web Only"
Url="http://www.microsoft.com" Id="navItemWeb" Client="Web" />
<NavBarItem Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif" Title="ISV Outlook Only"
Url="http://www.microsoft.com" Id="navItemOutlook" Client="Outlook"
AvailableOffline="true" />
<NavBarItem Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif" Title="ISV Sales"
Url="http://www.microsoft.com" Id="navSalesItem" Area="Sales" />
<NavBarItem Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif" Title="ISV Info"
Url="http://www.microsoft.com" Id="navInfoItem" Area="Info" />
<NavBarItem Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif" Title="ISV Marketing"
Url="http://www.microsoft.com" Id="navMarketingItem" Area="Marketing" />
<NavBarItem Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif" Title="ISV Service"
Url="http://www.microsoft.com" Id="navServiceItem" Area="Service" />
<MenuItem Title="Coming Soon..." Url="http://www.microsoft.com"
WinMode="1" />
<MenuSpacer />
<SubMenu Title="Sub Test">
<MenuItem Title="Test Sub 1" Url="http://www.microsoft.com" />
<MenuSpacer />
<MenuItem Title="Test Sub 2" />
<MenuItem Title="Web Only" Client="Web" />
<MenuItem Title="Outlook Only" Client="Outlook"
AvailableOffline="true" />
<MenuItem Title="Web Only" Client="Web" />
<MenuItem Title="Outlook Only" Client="Outlook"
AvailableOffline="true" />
<Button Title="Test" ToolTip="Info on Test"
Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif" Url="http://www.microsoft.com" WinParams=""
WinMode="2" />
<ToolBarSpacer />
<Button Title="Test" ToolTip="Info on Test"
Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif" Url="http://www.microsoft.com" WinParams=""
WinMode="1" />
<Button Title="Web Only" ToolTip="Web client only. This will
not show up in any outlook pages." Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif"
JavaScript="alert('test');" Client="Web" />
<Button Title="Outlook Only" ToolTip="Outlook Only - This is
available offline also." Icon="/_imgs/ico_18_debug.gif"
JavaScript="alert('test');" Client="Outlook" AvailableOffline="true" />

<Entity name="contact">
<ToolBar ValidForCreate="0" ValidForUpdate="1">
Title="Clone Contact"
ToolTip="Create a copy of this contact"

<Entity name="contact" />
<Entity name="lead" />
<Entity name="opportunity" />
<Entity name="list" />
<Entity name="campaign" />
<Entity name="campaignactivity" />
<Entity name="campaignresponse" />
<Entity name="incident" />
<!-- Case -->
<Entity name="quote" />
<Entity name="salesorder" />
<!-- Order -->
<Entity name="invoice" />
<!-- Custom Entities -->
<!-- <Entity name="myEntity"/> -->
<!-- End Custom Entities -->
<!-- Microsoft Customer Relationship Management Service Management
Customization -->
<!-- All CSS Class mapping for Service actiivties -->
<TimeBlock EntityType="4214" StatusCode="1"
CssClass="ganttBlockServiceActivityStatus1" />
<TimeBlock EntityType="4214" StatusCode="2"
CssClass="ganttBlockServiceActivityStatus2" />
<TimeBlock EntityType="4214" StatusCode="3"
CssClass="ganttBlockServiceActivityStatus3" />
<TimeBlock EntityType="4214" StatusCode="4"
CssClass="ganttBlockServiceActivityStatus4" />
<TimeBlock EntityType="4214" StatusCode="6"
CssClass="ganttBlockServiceActivityStatus6" />

On Friday, March 07, 2008 3:50 AM
bayareacr wrote:

I just imported a fresh set of backup 4.
I just imported a fresh set of backup 4.0 customizations, and to my extreme
dismay, I just found that crm 4.0 import customizations imports my
isv.config, but does not overwrite the existing isv file.

Can anyone shed some light?


On Friday, March 07, 2008 7:52 AM
Dave Ireland wrote:

Michael;In CRM 4.0 the isv.config is no longer a server-resident file.

In CRM 4.0 the isv.config is no longer a server-resident file. The
isv.config data is stored in the database (because crm 4 is multi-tennant,
all organization-specific data is stored in the org's database), so try
going into System Customizations, exporting the ISV.Config entity, making
your changes to the exported xml file, then re-importing your updated xml
and publishing.

Dave Ireland

"bayareacrm" <***@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message news:CBD767EB-B114-4276-96EF-***@microsoft.com...

On Friday, March 07, 2008 2:57 PM
bayareacr wrote:

Still struggling with the button addition.
Still struggling with the button addition.

When I use visual studio 2005 to add the clone contact button and try to
import, it tells me it's not a valid file.

I'm using the same syntax I did in 3.0 - files for 3.0 and 4.0 look much the
same, and the button I'm adding is at the very bottom below. I'm placing it
after the previous entity end tag and before the <Entity name="contact" />.
Any ideas?

THERE'S MORE XML ABOVE THIS, BUT BELOW THE </Entity> tag, I put my button:
JavaScript="alert('test');" Client="Outlook" AvailableOffline="true" />

<Entity name="contact">
<ToolBar ValidForCreate="0" ValidForUpdate="1">
Title="Clone Contact"
ToolTip="Create a copy of this contact"

<Entity name="contact" />
<Entity name="lead" />
<Entity name="opportunity" />


<Entity name="contact">
<ToolBar ValidForCreate="0" ValidForUpdate="1">
Title="Clone Contact"
ToolTip="Create a copy of this contact"

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